April meeting of the Polish History Club
April 25th in the Dmitry KantemirLyceum took place the regular meeting of Polish History Club. As has become a tradition with this event, pupils presented their reports and PowerPoint presentations about eminent personalities.
Of particular interest to the children was the fact that together with historical scientists such as Maria Sklodovskaya-Curie and Nicolaus Copernicus have been mentioned names of modern Polish politicians-Donald Tusk and Lech Walesa.
The Club meeting was one of the longest, but despite this, the speakers didn’t have enough time for the presentation. After each presentation followed discussion of the information about the eminent personality.Every representative shared its knowledge about these personalities.In addition, in the discussion, everyone shared his impressions.
Summing up the meeting, Club moderator DolintăZinaida conducted a survey among the participants, in which everyone shared his impressions of the presentations and the most interesting moments.
In the April’s meeting of the Club participated also the director of the Lyceum Murzak A.G. and the head teacher Guza L.I.
Traditionally, the meeting ended with drinking of the tea with some sweets, organized by the parent committee of the Lyceum.
The Polish Historical Club is part of the “BramaPamięci” project, financed by the Senate of the Republic of Poland and the Organization of Assistance to Polish in the East. The project coordinator in Moldova is Dubchak Vadim.